GOOD NEWS - 18th January
It's 4 years this week since a group of community leaders from Scotland came to Fleetwood, to see, hear and be inspired by what's happening in our Town.
After calling in for an enjoyable singalong with Harmony & Health, the visitors joined local residents for a Healthier Fleetwood 'tea & talk' event at Emmanuel Church. If you were there, you'll remember it was a cold, wet day but over 50 people shared their experiences, ideas and hopes.
We've kept in touch, the group now go under the name of 'Thriving In Fife' and one of the organisers, Jane, recently emailed us an update and news of their projects including a hot meal for members of their community.
Similar partnerships are doing fantastic work all over the Country. Healthier Fleetwood has been approached by over 50 residents' groups, local authorities and NHS Trusts from all around the UK - they all want to hear about Fleetwood's amazing community network. It's our pleasure to introduce and connect them to the passionate and caring individuals, voluntary groups and organisations making Fleetwood a healthier & happier place to live, work and visit.
Where to look for funding opportunities and how to apply is vitally important to running a voluntary group or staging a community event - Wyre Council is hosting a bid-writing workshop next month.
You will discover the keys to successful and sustainable funding for charities and not-for-profit organisations touching on everything you need to think of before, during and after funding applications.
The session will also cover other methods of sustainability planning and fundraising including the use of ChatGPT for charities.
The workshop is being held on Thursday 1st February from 10am to 4pm at the YMCA Lofthouse Building, London Street, Fleetwood. The training is provided as part of the UKSPF funding and is FREE of charge including refreshments and lunch.
To attend, please email including your name, the name of your group/organisation, number of places required and any special dietary requirements.
There's also a session at Garstang Library on Wednesday 7th February.
Crowdfund Lancashire is supporting groups and individuals to create and deliver projects - £11,000 was successfully raised for JoyFest at Marine Hall last Sunday.
Congratulations to everyone involved in the event ... organisers Karen & Sparkly Margaret from Jars of Joy, the many volunteers, exhibitors, entertainers and the venue team. There was lots of fun for all enjoying the arts & crafts, circus skills, entertainment and much more. We also had some great conversations with visitors to the Healthier Fleetwood tables.
> Further information on Crowdfund Lancashire is available here and bids from Fleetwood and Wyre-based groups and events are being encouraged.
Fleetwood's Warm Hubs have been needed this week and financial help is available for venues to offer additional support.
A further round of funding is available from Lancashire County Council for local organisations and groups within the voluntary, community, and faith sector, as well as for parish and town councils. It can be used to support the creation and improvement of warm and welcoming spaces for residents amidst the rising cost of living, focussing on those most in need.
Scouting is a fantastic activity for children and young people, encouraging their development and self-confidence while having fun.
The 16th Fleetwood Scout Group are recruiting at the moment for ages 4 to 18 years. We've had the pleasure of hearing from some of the youngsters at our Open Meetings - they are a credit to their families and to the values of scouting.
> To find out more see the Facebook page here or contact us and we can put you in touch with the group leaders.
With a new season approaching, Fleetwood Women's Cricket Club is also looking for new members.
If you are thinking of trying out something different and want to join the fun, come down to the indoor training sessions held at Fleetwood High School on Thursdays, from 7pm to 8pm.
To get involved call team manager Mandy on 07805 015645 or see the Facebook page for Fleetwood Cricket Club.
The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is being held over the weekend of Friday 26th to Sunday 28th January ... it's the world's largest garden wildlife survey.
To get involved, spend an hour watching the birds in your garden or shared space and record the ones that land. You can submit the results online or by post and they will be included in the full survey.
If you don't have access to somewhere to view the birds, join the Wyre Council Rangers for a Big Garden Bird Watch in Memorial Park on Sunday 28th January.
There's no need to book for the one hour event, meet at the Pavilion building at 10.30am.
... and Fleetwood was on TV, again!
The second part of Dickenson's Real Deal, filmed at Marine Hall was screened this week with visitors bringing in their items for valuation including a papier mache nodding dog and whisky noggins!
> You can watch on ITV X here ... it's a 'Bobby Dazzler!"
Keep sending in your GOOD NEWS to share with the community.
We look forward to seeing you all soon ... take care.