Every effort is made to keep these pages up to date but things can change quickly. We advise that you check with the organiser using the contact details provided before attending the activity or event for the first time.
If you need anything more please do CONTACT US or see WHERE TO FIND US at drop-in sessions across Fleetwood.
Support for patients registered with Fleetwood surgeries is also available from the Social Prescribers.

Want to try your hand at a little gardening ... pop along to Memorial Park on Wednesdays or at The Mount Gardens, Thursdays both 9.30am - 12 noon to take part in gardening activities including growing plants, flowers and vegetables.
Free to attend, all abilities are welcome, no need to book.
For more info please call Wyre Council on 01995 602125

Regular volunteering sessions to help keep our Town looking colourful. Sessions last for 90 minutes and you decide how long you want to help. No gardening experience necessary and all tools provided. Sensible footwear and gardening clothes are recommended. Meet at the planter on the corner of Lord Street and Albert Street by Healthier Fleetwood, opposite St Peter's Church.
Dates for 2024 (all Wednesdays 1pm to approx 2.30pm:
24th April, 15th May, 5th June, 17th July, 7th August, 28th August